Process Improvement and Documentation Tool for Emergent & Massive Transfusions

Maintain 1:1:1 ratios to improve survival

Balanced ratios are key for improved survival as found by multi-center studies1,2,3

Track products, ratios and adjuncts across all locations

With Blood Navigator™, your care teams can track all blood products, ratios, TXA, calcium and other adjuncts across pre-hospital, ED, OR and ICU locations, empowering your team to ensure balanced ratios across the continuum of care.

Improve team awareness

Blood Navigator attaches to rapid infuser poles for room visibility and live-streams data and de-activation status to blood banks and trauma PI staff, giving full team awareness during MTPs and enabling same day reviews for all MTPs.

Safer patient hand-offs

Verbal hand-offs are error-prone. With Blood Navigator, care teams see transfusion and adjunct data from all locations: pre-hospital, ED, OR and ICU.

Free your scribe

Blood Navigator™ integrates with EMRs so your transfusionist doesn’t need a second person to scribe. 

1. Matthay ZJ et al. Outcomes after ultramassive transfusion in the modern era: An EAST multicenter study. JTACS 91(1) 24-33, July 2021.
2 . Hynes AM, et al. Staying on Target: Maintaining a balanced resuscitation during damage control resuscitation improves survival. JTACS. 91(5):841-848, Nov 2021.
3. Holcomb JB et al. Transfusion of Plasma, Platelets, and Red Blood Cells in a 1:1:1 vs a 1:1:2 Ratio and Mortality in Patients With Severe Trauma: The PROPPR Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 313(5):471–482, 2015.
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Blood Nav Highlights

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Blood Navigator:

  • Extremely easy blood tracking across all locations
  • Calculates blood transfusion ratios across all locations to support ACS verified trauma center PI requirements
  • Automatically documents into EMRs with integration, freeing up your scribe
  • Facilitates rapid performance improvement reviews and feedback to care teams

   Scanning bag barcodes with Blood Navigator system automatically logs blood product usage.

The Blood Navigator system includes:

Blood Navigator tablet with software, barcode scanner, IV pole bracket and accessories for easy attachment to rapid infuser poles, anesthesia machine poles or IV poles.

Optional Blood Navigator Web subscription: Multi-tablet syncing, Trauma PI Transfusion Reports (PDF), live-stream dashboard with MTP data and MTP de-activation alerts to Blood Bank and Trauma PI team.

Optional EMR integration: automatic blood product messages to I/Os, such as flowsheets, Anesthesia record, narrators and summary reports, along with automatically sending Trauma PI Transfusion reports (PDF). Integration is done via HL7 messages, compatible with many EMR systems.

Improve communication during surgery and patient hand-offs:

  • Achieve balanced transfusions
  • Lower mortality rates
  • Improve communication of blood product use between team members and during patient transfer
  • Reduce blood product waste
  • Identify potential errors
  • Identify areas for improvement during reviews

                                                                            Blood Navigator™ and BloodNav are trademarks of Arcos, Inc.